Youth Voice: Mohammed Milan

Mohammed Milan is a recent graduate from the University at Buffalo with a passion for communications and marketing in the nonprofit sector. He hopes to work for an organization that impacts helpful change for youth in Buffalo.

I had the privilege to work as a youth sports intern with Project Play WNY. My experience led me to have a deeper understanding of how organizations can make a difference in youth sports. Youth sports can significantly impact the lives of kids. It pushes an active lifestyle which can have many positive benefits and allows kids to participate in sports at a young age, build skills, and have new experiences. These experiences allow kids to be involved in social activities while getting exercise to stay active and healthy.

Being a youth sports intern taught me how to approach communities that lack youth sports. Building teams and creating programs can go a long way in creating safe spaces for the youth to play sports. My experience as a youth sports intern meant dedicating my time to learning how a nonprofit organization functions. Project Play WNY is a nonprofit organization that focuses on providing youth with the opportunity to be active through sports regardless of zip code to create happier kids, healthier families, and stronger communities. Training people to become coaches and collaborating with other organizations, programs, and businesses can create a stronger sense of community. Together you can build programs and initiatives that can eventually sustain themselves.   


I was able to work on social media campaigns that helped communicate information to local communities and followers. I also understood the significance of having an efficient website. It can be an informational hub that allows people to learn about upcoming events and get in contact with your organization. As an intern, I had the opportunity to work with an amazing team dedicated to creating a better future for the youth. I learned so much about youth sports, nonprofit organizations, and what is happening in local communities. My experience as a youth sports intern has helped me build a stronger foundation on what is important and how to create an impact for the next generation.­­­­


Recap of Virtual Project Play Summit


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